Notice on the Re exhibition of the 24th Asian Pet Expo
Dear exhibitors, partners, audience, media and industry colleagues
After study and decision by the Office of Shenzhen Epidemic Prevention Headquarters, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce officially approved on October 26, 2022 that the 24th Asian Pet Expo, which was postponed due to the impact of the epidemic, was scheduled to be held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center (Bao'an) from November 3-6, 2022.
All preparations for the re exhibition have been launched in an all-round way. We will support each other with exhibitors, visitors and partners and make every effort to continue to increase the publicity of the exhibition, launch a series of subsidy plans for visitors to Shenzhen, do our best to ensure the effect of the exhibition, and do a good job in the safety inspection of the exhibition booth, so as to present a safe, efficient, wonderful and orderly industrial event.
名扬天下 匠创未来
展商推荐专业观众到场,可享200元观展补贴“京东卡”,展商通过指定系统提名,发放给到场观众。 所有展商根据本届展位参展面积不等享有不同的招待名额,被提报且到场的经销商、渠道商等都将获得补贴回馈,由提名展商进行发放。
*被邀约观众将收到短信通知,至推荐展商展位领取 展商可点击下方进入展商系统查看活动详情并进行提报,系统用户名及密码请咨询负责销售。
广东省内多个城市(广州、佛山、珠海、东莞、中山、惠州等)提供免费巴士接送观展服务,让您参观更便利。 仅限完成预登记并审核通过观众报名,请提前完成预登记,报名后将有工作人员与您确认上车时间地点,当天凭预登记信息及有效核酸报告乘车。 广东省内观展满30人即可成团,享专车接送服务。
2022年11月6日 8:30~15.30
原购票观众均已原路退款,票务仍做保留,可任选一日参观,刷购票身份证入场; 第三方平台购票观众可凭退票记录现场免费办理入场; 联名票若无需兑领商品可后台申请退款,换免费入场门票;